You can support Wiki-Bot on Patreon to get some advanced features.
- An embed with diff display mode for the recent changes webhook (
Embed messages with image previews and edit differences
) - Up to 50 recent changes webhooks (instead of 2)
- Up to 25 verification entries (instead of 10)
- Change the following settings:
- bot's prefix
- create channel overwrites for whole channel categories.
- bot's interface language per channel overwrite.
- minimal required role to use commands per channel overwrite.
- toggle inline commands per channel overwrite.
- Display list of content for some special pages.
- Display user disabled notice for Fandom wikis.
- Display user global edit count for Gamepedia wikis.
- Display the wiki representative for Fandom wikis.
- Higher limit for:
- interwiki chain (10 instead of 5)
- commands per message (15 instead of 10)
- search results listed (up to 25 instead of 10)
- discussion posts text search (last 100 instead of 50)
- Feature previews
$1 per month grants you the ability to enable these features in 1 discord server.
$5 per month grants you the ability to enable these features in 5 discord servers.
Help Commands[]
NOTE: These commands only work in the #patreon-chat channel in support server. You need to be a patron to see this channel.
!wiki patreon enable <server id>
- Enable the patreon features for a server.
!wiki patreon disable <server id>
- Disable the patreon features for a server.
!wiki patreon check
- Check your current servers.
!wiki patreon edit <user> ±<amount>
- Can be used to edit the amount of servers a user can have. This command can only be used by owners of the Wiki-bot.